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  • 政府 Government
    引导 Guide

    顶层设计 Top-level design

    制度建设 System construction

    执法治理 Law Enforcement Governance

    政府通过产业培育、创 造制度环境、建设基础 设施、提供公共服务、 加强社会治理等方面的 工作,引导项目的发展 方向。

    The government guides the development direction of the project through industrial cultivation, creating institutional environment, building infrastructure, providing public services and strengthening social governance.

  • 企业 Enterprise
    主体 Main body

    投资建设 Investment construction

    中心运营 Central operation


    企业通过发挥自身优势 及整合社会资源,投资 建设并统筹运营虚拟现 实内容制作中心。

    By giving full play to their own advantages and integrating social resources, enterprises invest in the construction and overall operation of virtual reality content production centers.

  • 市场 Market
    市场 Market

    产业定位 Industry orientation

    发展方向 Development direction

    商业模式 Business model

    市场可为行业提供实质 需求,引导中心的产业 定位、发展方向与商业 模式进行实时调整。


    The market can provide substantial demand for the industry, and guide the industrial positioning, development direction and business model of the center to adjust in real time.

  • 社会 Society
    社会 Society

    共同参与 Joint participation

    实时监督 Real time supervision


    社会各行业机构共同参 与、社会各界人士实时 监督,促进行业发展、 规范行业竞争。

    Social institutions from all walks of life jointly participate in real-time supervision by people from all walks of life to promote industry development and standardize industry competition